Love is passion, obsession; someone you can't live without...fall head over heels. I say find someone you can love like crazy and who'll love you the same way back...because the truth is, there is no sense living your life without this. -William Parrish

Monday, May 23, 2011


i love the hubs. he is golfing this week at myrtle beach. i miss him more than i realized was possible!!! here are a few reasons why:

*he makes me laugh, i LOVE his humor
*he is substantive
*he plays uno tournaments with my many nights before bed
*he is my biggest fan
*he is fun
*he makes me feel safe (maybe due to the many guns he has invested in?)
*he is smart
*he is an incredibly hard worker
*he is kind
*he is an amazing friend
*he eats my cooking
*he laughs at me (sometimes with me)
*he understands my heart
*he is good
*he bike rides with me
*he loves me despite my VERY serious fear of snakes
*he is optimistic
*he watches how i met your mother with me
*he is an unbelievable golfer and still takes me with him so i can have treats and read and play one or two holes
*he is passionate (mostly about his favorite radio host)
*he is reasoned (about everything else)
*he snores EVERY night, but still claims it is because he is sick or was in a funny position :)
*he is darling with his sisters and nieces AND nephews
*he watches idol with me and sandy and supports my crush on SCOTTY

so, here is hoping that first, he shoots even par (so he comes home happy) and second, that saturday comes FAST

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

home on the range

"to be glad of life, because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the spend as much time as you can, with body and with spirit, in God's-out-of-doors these are little guidespots on the footpath to peace" henry van dyke

this is the view from my house a few days ago. this quote helped me notice all the things going on around me that are "guidespots to peace".

obviously today it is can i tell? because i have clean and shiny windows at my house thanks to the best mother-in-law who came and helped me wash them last night.

i love our home. i love looking out of our windows (finally clean) and seeing green rolling hills and mountains. sunday i woke up to the song a crane (side bar: it is less of a song and more of a death call).

we have 5 baby foxies that live in a hollow (fox hollow actually is what it is called-weird) on the way to our house and each night we see them playing and frolicking and experiencing life.

i LOVE rolling my window down on the way up the canyon and smelling earth and horses and cows and green. i didn't know green was a smell, but it is. even watching the brown and growing river is thrilling (maybe because we live up on the hill and are not in it's path?).

while we were eating dinner last night (after i cut my thumb and passed out, true story) we watched a little boy in our yard and field attacking thistles and practicing his karate or his crazy (still not sure). he was talking to himself the whole time and yelled at each foe before he chopped it down. enchanting.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

yes your majesty

i love working with my bro. never a dull moment.

yesterday he made up "new" sign language so he could say "you bug me" to me, specifically. he points to me, walks his fingers up his desk (like a bug), and then points to himself.

today...he called me dumbo and then said "you may respond with 'yes sir', 'yes master' or 'yes your majesty'

also, he is ever whistling. sometime i will record this amazing talent so all can hear his majesty.