Love is passion, obsession; someone you can't live without...fall head over heels. I say find someone you can love like crazy and who'll love you the same way back...because the truth is, there is no sense living your life without this. -William Parrish

Friday, June 3, 2011

it's a...

nephew! sweet grayce and james finally had baby winslow william!!

i have been waiting for this day since last september when she filled me in that a baby was on the way...not sure how it felt for grace, but for me it was a long wait to meet this little guy!

he is perfect. i love the faces and sounds he makes while absorbed in baby dreams. he will smile, furrow his brow, squeak, almost cry and then look at peace all in about 10 seconds. his eyes are truly blue, just like his daddy. his lips are full and beautiful. he has 10 tiny fingers and 10 smashed toes and 2 fabulous froggy legs. each time i hold him i cant help but think of what a miracle life is.

grace is the most amazing, sweet momma. she really is. i could not be more impressed with her. or more grateful.

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