after viewing so much sadness and grief from different loved ones this past week; and feeling a renewed dedication to actually experiencing life instead of watching from the sidelines, i am dedicating this post to LIFE.
"achieving life is not the equivalent of avoiding death"
spring is always my favorite time of year, probably because winter is hard for me. i love seeing green grass creep in and bulbs fighting their way through spring snow showers. i love witnessing the transformation of a dreary and empty world to a world full of blossoms and blooms and NEW LIFE. we sleep with our window open and i love waking to the sound of bird calls.
it is amazing to me how i sometimes resign. i go through the actions and through the day, but not with any gusto or real purpose. i vow to not let this happen again. i attended a viewing this week and displayed were all the interested of this man...his climbing gear, his ski boots, his photography, notes to his wife. it was nothing short of inspiring (despite the horrible circumstances) to see and witness the accomplishments of this man which were so tangible.
it made me wonder what i had to show. i could not think of much. hence, this post and new motivation inside me to live.
i spent the weekend with a pinched nerve at the cabin. it was miserable because i couldnt look left at all and had limited range of motion on my right. this made me realize that i have been living with a kinked neck and pinched nerve! i have limited my views, without realizing it. but now i am moving forward with no limits and a full perspective as i pursue life.
this week also opened my eyes to all i take for granted...especially my sweet husband. we are a woman and man and far from perfect! but he is so sweet to me. he works so hard for our family and often late into the evening. he surprised me last week with a gorgeous SPRING bouquet because he knew the snow was getting me down. he brings me home diet coke's when he knows i have had a long day and rubs my feet (this is truly amazing because the man HATES feet) and he spent the weekend massaging my neck and back, bringing my hot pads and making me comfortable. i am so lucky to have him as my companion. i love our family night prayers and the texts i get from him through out the day just checking in. he is supportive of all my crazy ideas and pursuits and he loves me despite all my oddities. i am lucky.
today is the day i make all my tomorrow's happen...and take the step from reserved and resigned to LIVING.