yesterday was a dark day; literally and metaphorically. it hailed. i was pulled over. so was darren. different reasons. different times. different police officers. school projects due, tests to be studied for, offices to move, tests to take, dinner to make, papers to write and jobs to look for. my Philly cheese steak came out soggy and i filled up my tank for the fourth time in 5 days. AND my favorite idol was voted off (at least i still have scotty).
i know i have a good life, i do. i am blessed beyond measure. but what can i say? yesterday was the last straw. life, my good life, overwhelmed me.
this is a testament to how good i really do have it...darren walked into our kitchen late last night as he got home with these:

exhibits a-c: my favorite licorice [my own personal heroine (little shout out to edward and bella)], a large and beautiful diet coke and gorgeous spring flowers. what a guy!! darren is amazing for a million and one reasons... but the best reason today is not only that he brightens up my day, but that he helps me to seek light.
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