Love is passion, obsession; someone you can't live without...fall head over heels. I say find someone you can love like crazy and who'll love you the same way back...because the truth is, there is no sense living your life without this. -William Parrish

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

boss man

i love my dad.

so, so, so many reasons.

i thought i would write down a few.

a few weeks ago i got to go to my cabin with just my was amazing. we took a tire off our back-hoe (bigger than i imagined it would be) but struggled getting the nuts and bolts off so i got a quick physics lesson in leverage as my dad used a fencing pole to get those suckers off.

we rode bikes all over the red earth that night, through the most magnificent summer sunset.

that night we slept on the balcony and my dad sang me hymns as i fell asleep. i love his voice. this took me back to climbing the grand with my dad and sister-we had been hiking for an eternity and still we were not to the upper saddle, feeling positive i could not go on, my dad whipped out his harmonica and played "if you could hie to kolob" as we hiked the last few miles.

just last night we went on a little date to look at horses...we sold the horse that got me through my early 20's. my dad saw i was struggling and had the idea to bring the horse up to lehi so i could ride him 4-5 times a week. it was one of my favorite summers, thanks to my daddy.

anyway, we went to see how this horse was doing last night. the little girl who got him adores him and dotes on him and brings him treats, he is in heaven. and truth be told, she runs him on the barrels 10 x better than i ever did.

before we left to the stable my dad looked at me and told me to take his new convertible, put the top down and enjoy the perfect evening and he would take my car and meet me there.

i love so many things about my dad but my favorite thing is spending time with him, and he is so generous with his time.


  1. About made me want to cry, I love your dad too. :-)

  2. This is the sweetest post ever! What fun memories! You guys are such a great family! We love and miss you!
